Release Notes (2019.07): Online PEP

Release Notes (2019.07): Online PEP

  • New: Online PEP
  • New: User profile preferences page
  • Updated: Notifications and reminders
  • Updated: Secure Messaging pupil association temporarily removed

For more information on how to use each of these features, please see the links below to user guides. Please note we are still building our library of user-facing documentation, so please check back regularly for more content as it becomes available.

Online PEP

With this release, we are pleased to announce the inclusion of our Online PEP system. Read the Looked After Call Online PEP (Personal Education Plan) Introduction for more information.

Looked After Call’s objective is to ensure that all Looked After Children are safe, cared for and achieving to the best of their abilities. The natural progression is to use the collected data to auto-complete and manage the completion of PEPs (Personal Education Plans) for Local Authorities and Virtual Schools.

Online PEP allows you to:

The ways in which different users will interact with and use the Online PEP will differ based both on their job and their related user role. Make sure you are familiar with the differences by reading the page about Looked After Call Users.

User Profile Preferences

In order to allow each user to personalise and optimise their experience of using Looked After Call we have introduced a User Preferences page that allows each user to set a number of individual options.

At present users* can;

  • Change their password.
  • Receive unread message alerts (on email) and restrict those alerts to once per day (at 4 pm).
  • Subscribe and unsubscribe from different alert types.

*The ability to set preferences is dependent on the user role.

In future, we plan to add more options to this page. Why not use the Feedback button in Looked After Call to tell us what you think or suggest additions to this page?

To find out more, visit the User Preferences documentation page.

Notifications and Reminders

In this release, we have completely re-engineered the way Notifications and Reminders work so that they are more effective in practice and more efficient in terms of the resources they use in our back end systems, thereby further improving the user experience for all.

Looked After Call sends emails to;

  • Notify users of secure messages
  • Remind users that certain time-sensitive actions need to be taken
  • Alert users that other users have undertaken certain actions for the given pupil(s).

To find out more, visit the Notifications and Reminders documentation page.

Secure Messaging

Normally, messages sent in Looked After Call can be associated with a specific pupil.

  • So that a complete history can be accessed by any associated professional who is authorised to access the system.
  • Traditionally when emails are used, it's easy for important communications and history to be 'locked away' in an individual's inbox.

In order to complete development on some other key features, we have unfortunately had to temporarily remove the ability to associate a message with a pupil. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this. It will be re-enabled in due course.