Logging in to Looked After Call

To log into the Looked After Call system you must have an account set up by an administrator at the Virtual School.

First Time?

When an account is initially created, an invitation email is automatically generated.

In this email, a link is provided to help you set up a password. If this is your first time logging in to Looked After Call, please see First Time Login - New Users for more information

Recommended Browsers

Looked After Call is designed to work with all modern browsers. We recommend you use one of the following;

  • Chrome
  • Firefox

However, most features should also work in;

  • Edge
  • Opera
  • Internet Explorer 11

If you find that something does not work as you would expect in one of these other browsers, please report this to us by using Feedback links within the system and if possible, try Chrome or Firefox browsers. Regardless of the browser used, its important its kept up to date - please allow automatic updates to take place.

Top Tip

If you are having problems using one of the recommended browsers, please speak to your IT department and they should be able to advise on the best course of action.

How to login

In a suitable web browser, navigate to lookedaftercall.com and select 'Looked After Call Login' button.

On the login page...

You will need to enter;

  • Username
    • This is the email address registered against your Looked After Call account.
    • It is usually your work (Local Authority or School provided) email address.
    • It will be the same address that you received your account set up invitation email to
    • If you are positive the address was entered incorrectly (e.g. with  typos), your contact at the Local Authority will be able to help you or contact us for help.

  • Password
    • If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it using the 'Forgotten your password?' button.
    • See our page on Forgotten / Changing Passwords for help.

Select the 'Sign in' button where you will be taken to your Looked After Call homepage. This will differ based on your user role - see Looked After Call System Areas - summary by person for more detail.

For a Two Factor Authentication signin please refer to User profile - Two factor authentication 

Designated Teacher

Social Worker

LA (Super) User

You will be logged in to The Looked After Call School Portal.

This is the area that is designed for school staff to access PEPs and record attendance/assessment information for the Looked After Children in their school.

You will be logged in to Looked After Call Admin.

This is the area that is designed for the Virtual School staff to view all pupils in their Authority.

You will see a list of pupils and their details such as their School, Home Authority, PEP Status and etc. 

If there is a pupil 'missing' your contact at the Local Authority will be able to help you.

You will see a dashboard with a variety of details and automatically updated reports. The sections can be expanded by clicking the arrow for a more detailed view and further options.

See Looked After Call Users for more information about the different types of user.