Looked After Call Online PEP (Personal Education Plan) Introduction
Looked After Call’s objective is to ensure that all Looked After Children are safe, cared for and achieving to the best of their abilities. Therefore we are releasing an online web-based electronic system which is accessible to all Looked After Call users. This exciting development provides a wide range of current and historical data, avoids duplication of key information and enables the views of our young people to be captured.
The natural progression is to then use all this collected data to auto-complete PEPs (Personal Education Plan) for Local Authorities and Virtual Schools.
Our Online PEP allows Virtual Schools and Authorities to upload their own forms and data sets/criteria into our online templates and make them available to all stakeholders. This allows access to secure reports in a timely and secure environment that everyone can contribute to. Online PEPs are hosted within the system for ease of reference before, during and after meetings. The integrated, secure email function allows stakeholders to communicate directly with one another and attach documents. It will also send automatic email reminders to prompt stakeholders to complete their section of the Online PEP.
Online PEP is personalised and flexible. It can accommodate children of all ages, abilities and profiles.
Data content areas include:
- Attendance
- Attainment
- Medical
- Pupil Premium
- Care
- Key Contacts
- Personal information
- Health and emotional wellbeing
- Education
- Views of the child or the young person
- Impact of interventions
and bespoke areas can be configured.
Data can easily be populated, filtered and RAG (Red, Amber, Green) rated against the following headings:
- First and Last Name
- School
- Social Worker
- PEP cycle
- Academic year
- Status
- Key Stage
- Assigned User