Export PEP as PDF

Export PEP as PDF

How to export the PEP to a PDF

In order to view the PEP, first of all, you will need to be logged in to Looked After Call and have the pupil's PEP summary screen visible.

Your user role will affect how you access the summary screen.

You can read more about Looked After Call User Roles if you are unsure what this means.

Designated Teachers or Social Worker

When a Designated Teacher or Social worker logs into the system they will see a list of students on the home screen. To review the PEP summary page select 'Actions' > select 'PEP'.

LA (Super) User

From the top navigation menu, select 'PEP' (1) > Select 'Status' (2) which will take you to the PEP summary page.

(A list of student PEP's will be visible at a glance and their PEP Status when selecting 'PEP' in step 1. When you select the 'Status' button on the desired pupil, this will take you to the Summary page and show the percentage of the PEP completed and allow you to review certain sections. You can also choose to export or upload the PEP data when clicking the 'PEP Actions' button)

On the right hand side of the screen look for "Other PEP(s) on record" section and then choose the 'Export' button for the PEP you wish to export.

Alternatively click the blue PEP Actions button and select

'Export Active PEP'

  • When exporting an active PEP it will include any fields already populated.

'Export Blank Active PEP'.

  • When exporting a blank pep, all fields will be empty.

Exporting a blank PEP
We recognise that it is not always possible or practical to use a computer during the many meetings and sessions required to fill out a PEP; consequently, we have provided the option to export a partially filled out PEP as a pdf document so that it can be printed and written on during a meeting. This allows for easier transfer to the online version.

It is not possible, nor recommended to export a completely blank PEP and have a 'pile of printouts' that can be completed at any given time. This approach is more suited to PEP forms that are based around a word document or other proforma that are truly blank. This is because the Looked After Call Online PEP uses data from elsewhere in Looked After Call in order to populate certain pieces of information and therefore any PEP that is exported to PDF will have some data already in it. This also helps minimise issues that can arise from having multiple versions of a document; some information may be on paper and some online. By exporting the PEP to PDF for an individual pupil immediately before a meeting (and entering information back to the online version immediately after a meeting) one ensures that the most up to date information is always available.

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