Secure Messaging Introduction

Secure Messaging Introduction

An important part of Looked After Call is the ability to send messages between the various users in a secure and convenient manner.


  • The security risks to data, associated with regular email communication, is negated.
  • Anonymised notifications of messages are automatically sent to user's email addresses so that the content of the message is kept secure, but they are notified in a timely manner, alongside their normal mode of communication.

  • Messages can be associated with a specific pupil so that a complete history can be accessed by any associated professional who is authorised to access the system.
    • Traditionally when emails are used, it's easy for important communications and history to be 'locked away' in an individual's inbox.
  • The system can be opened to any professional that the Virtual School deem suitable so that they can access messages and data in a secure and managed way.

  • Used alongside automated reminders and notifications of actions taken by other users, the Secure Messaging aspect of Looked After Call, can be invaluable in facilitating the safeguarding of vulnerable children.
    • When a PEP's status is changed, relevant users are automatically notified by way of a secure message.
    • This message can then be forwarded to other users, or replied to, so that a dialogue can easily be opened and a record of that dialogue maintained on the pupil record for anĀ  easy and complete view for all professionals concerned.

Secure messaging is available to all users, no matter their user role.

See the following pages for detail on how to use the Secure Messaging functionality of Looked After Call.