Upload documents to PEP

Upload documents to PEP

There may be occasions when you wish to attach a document to the Online PEP of a Young Person in order to easily distribute PEP-related documents among other stakeholders and ensure all supporting evidence is collated in one place.

To attach a document to the PEP, you will need to be on the relevant PEP Summary Page for the Young Person. See the relevant page for your user role in order to access the Summary Screen.

On the PEP summary page select "Optional - PEP documents" section.

Ensure you are in the correct cycle's PEP. 

  • As well as being specific to a given pupil, documents are attached to a specific PEP for a specific cycle;
    • i.e. if you attach a letter to the "Summer 2018/19 PEP" for a given pupil, that letter will only show in the Summer PEP
    • if it is also relevant to the Autumn PEP, you will need to attach it to that PEP too.

This will take you through to the page with a list of attachments for the pupil (if there are any that have been previously uploaded to that specific PEP)

If you wish to open a document select the "View" button. It will be downloaded to your computer.

To attach a file

  1. Having found the file on your computer or network drive, simply drag and drop it to the yellow bar.
  2. Alternatively, select the ‘Browse’ button and this will take you through to your computer’s local & network drives.
    • Just like attaching a document to an email, locate the relevant file on your system within the ‘Choose file to Upload’ window, select it so that it appears in the File name’ field and then select ‘Open’.
    • The document should then appear in the ‘Upload Document’ field on the ’PEP documents’ page.

Next time you visit the page you should find the uploaded document listed under 'Existing documents'  with its name and the date it was added to PEP.

If the document is not there and you are sure it was uploaded there could be a number of reasons for this.

  • Attached file type might not be supported.
    Supported files types are:
    • Images - png, jpg, jpeg, gif.
    • Spreadsheets - xls, xlsx.
    • Documents - doc, docx, txt, pdf.

NOTE: Attaching an unsupported file type should result in no action. 

  • Uploaded file could get removed by someone else. Please note that other stakeholders (LA Users/ Social worker) will have access to the PEP
    • If you think the documented was deleted by mistake, please contact us. 

If you wish to remove the entry then click on the ‘Delete’ button next to the file.

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