PEP Statuses

PEP Statuses

Each PEP has a status that indicates at what stage of completion it is currently at.

The workflow of the PEP submission process is as follows;

PEP statuses explained

In order to effectively manage the whole PEP submission process, the ability to change certain statuses is limited to different user roles.

StatusDescriptionDesignated TeacherLA (Super) userSocial Worker
Not startedA new PEP that has never been viewed or editedPEP can be edited PEP can be editedPEP is read-only
In progressSome of the PEPs sections are being viewed and edited (but not all of them)PEP can be editedPEP can be editedPEP is read-only
Ready to submit to Virtual SchoolAll PEP sections are completed. PEP can be submitted by the Designated Teacher for review.

PEP can be edited

PEP can be editedPEP is read-only
SubmittedPEP is submitted to the Virtual school and needs to be reviewed by LA (Super) UserPEP is read-onlyPEP can be editedPEP is read-only
CompletePEP is accepted (approved) by the Virtual School.PEP is read-onlyPEP is read-onlyPEP is read-only
Review againPEP is rejected by the Virtual school for the reason provided.PEP can be editedPEP can be editedPEP is read-only

* PEP is read-only for social workers regardless of the PEP status