Looked After Call Users

Looked After Call Users

In order to log in to Looked After Call, you will require a user account. To manage who can access the different areas of the system and keep the children's data secure, each user has a role assigned to them. This means some users can carry out some tasks that others cannot.

List of User Roles

The currently available user roles are;

  • Designated Teacher

  • Social Worker
  • LA User
  • LA Super User

Roles should be assigned as closely as possible according to the job function of the person to whom the account relates.

For example;

  • a teacher in a school who is responsible for the Looked After Children in their school should have the role "Designated Teacher".
    • A member of the school office staff who may also need to access the system would also have this role as it is the closest one available.
  • a member of staff that works for the Virtual School as either a Social Worker or Social Care Worker should have the role "Social Worker"
    • This would also apply to managers in the virtual school.

More roles will become available in future as the system is developed.

Looked After Call System Areas - summary by person

There are 2 main areas of Looked After Call that are used for different purposes.

These are;

  • Portal
  • Admin

The Looked After Call Portal

This is the area that is designed for school staff to access PEPs and record attendance for the Looked After Children in their school.

Accessed via http://portal.lookedaftercall.com.

It can be used for;

  • Viewing and recording students' information, including
    • Attendance
    • Assessment
    • PEPs

  • Secure Messaging

Looked After Call Admin

This is the area that is designed for the Virtual School staff to view all pupils in their Authority.

Accessed via http://admin.lookedaftercall.com.

It can be used for;

  • Viewing and recording enhanced students' information, including
    • Attendance
    • Linked Professionals
    • Behaviour and Achievements
    • SEN information

  • Secure Messaging

  • Managing users
    • Such as Designated Teachers and Social Workers

Looked After Call System Areas - detailed access



(summary of all pupils)

Secure MessagesYesNo
Enhanced Student DetailsNoYes
View Enrolled SchoolsNoYes
Manage UsersNoYes

Role Based Access to Areas

As the roles control access, the following describes exactly what area each user role has access to, and consequently informs what each user can do.


Designated Teacher


Social Worker


LA User



LA Super UserYesYes

Role Based Access to Tasks

Being able to access the above areas, gives the users the ability to undertake the following tasks in Looked After Call.

RoleAttendanceAssessmentPEPsSecure MessagesEnhanced Student DetailsReportsView Enrolled SchoolsManage Users 

Designated Teacher




Social Worker


LA User





LA Super UserYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

*functionality may change at a later date.