First Time Login - New Users

To log into the Looked After Call system you must have an account set up by an administrator at the Virtual School.

When an account is initially created, an invitation email is automatically generated.

In this email, a link is provided to help you set up your password. 

Set your Password

Once you have followed the link from the email you will be taken to a login page. Use the login and the temporary password from the received email. On the first login you will be taken to the set password page.

There are some password rules which you must follow in order to successfully change the password.

Your new password must contain:

  • Ten characters.
  • Two upper case characters.
  • Two lower case characters.
  • One symbolic character.

As you enter your new password, the rules will be checked and crossed out as you meet the requirements. In order for your password to be accepted each rule must be crossed out. You can also select the 'eye' icon to show your password in readable text to help you check if any rules are missing.

Select the 'Send' button to continue.

Please note: the link in the email to set your password is valid for 24 hours so you will need to take action promptly upon receipt of this email.

The link doesn't work!

If the link doesn't work, this could be because the 24 hours limit has been reached.

Please contact the Virtual School who will be able to resend a new email. Please follow the instructions outlined above within 24 hours of receipt.

Please note: the link in the email to set your password is valid for 24 hours so you will need to take action promptly upon receipt of this email.

Log in 

Please see the Logging in to Looked After Call page for guidance on what to do next. 

User Role

When the new account is created, a user role from the following list will be assigned.

  • Designated Teacher,
  • Social Worker,
  • LA (Super) User

This will control what areas of the system you can access. See Looked After Call Users for a more in-depth explanation.