Release Note (2019.03): User Management

Release Note (2019.03): User Management

  • New: Bulk add users
  • Updated: Link user to Establishment.
  • Updated: Messages can be sent without being linked to a pupil.
  • Fixed: A number of small fixes have been made to improve your overall experience of using Looked After Call.

For more information on how to use each of these features, please see the links below to user guides. Please note we are still building our library of user-facing documentation, so please check back regularly for more content as it becomes available.

Bulk Add Users

You can now upload a CSV file of users names and email addresses to create users in bulk. Find out how here, including a template CSV that you can download to populate ready to upload to Looked After Call directly.

We have also made some changes to User Management in general. See the user guide for more information

Quick Links

Bulk Add Users

Link User to Establishment

To make the security of the Children's data even tighter, we have made it mandatory to link a Designated Teacher to an organisation. This means that School Staff can only see pupils in the school to which they are linked. This is to minimise the risk of pupils from other schools, perhaps with similar names, inadvertently being linked with a Designated Teacher from a different school. This also makes it easier for Virtual School staff to manage users and pupils because they will no longer have to manually match up staff and pupils and it means that pupils that come into care will automatically be shown to the relevant users.

You can link a user to an establishment in both the 'Bulk add' and 'Single add' modes, as well as in the 'Edit' view for each user.

Secure Messages

An important part of Looked After Call is the ability to send messages between the various users in a secure and convenient manner.

  • The security risks to data, associated with regular email communication, is negated.
  • Anonymised notifications of messages are automatically sent to user's email addresses so that the content of the message is kept secure, but they are notified in a timely manner, alongside their normal mode of communication.
  • Messages can be associated with a specific pupil so that a complete history can be accessed by any associated professional who is authorised to access the system.
  • The system can be opened to any professional that the Virtual School deem suitable so that they can access messages and data in a secure and managed way.
  • Used alongside automated reminders and notifications of actions taken by other users, the Secure Messaging aspect of Looked After Call, can be invaluable in facilitating the safeguarding of vulnerable children.