Pupils with Missing Professionals

Pupils with Missing Professionals

This report will list any pupils with whom there is no Designated Teacher or Social Worker associated.

To access it you must be signed in as a user with access to the Admin site. If you are unsure who that is, please go to Looked After Call Users > Role Based Access to Tasks. 

Go to Reports > Other > and select "Pupils with missing professionals"

You will first need to export the report and will require you to select a password which meets the following criteria:

  • Minimum of 8 Characters
  • Minimum of 1 Number
  • Minimum of 1 Uppercase Character
  • Minimum of 1 Lowercase Character
  • Minimum of 1 Special Character

  1. Enter a valid password.

  2. Select the copy to clipboard icon
    • This will copy the password you have specified and allow you to paste it into Excel in a few moments.

  3. Select checkbox to confirm the terms and conditions.
    • You can view the terms and conditions by selecting the link to open them in a new window.
  4. Click Save.

When you have selected the save button you will notice the selected report will begin the process of being exported into Microsoft Excel.

Depending on your browser, the download fille process will be triggered.

  • You may need to choose if you want to open the file or if you wish to save a copy of the file to a location on your machine.
  • In this example, using Firefox, we have chosen to save the file.
  • You may need to navigate to your local downloads folder to open the file.

We will then need to go to the location where the file was saved and this will attempt to open the report.

The final step is to input the password we initially setup into the password protected file. We will then be able to view the report and it will show:

  • Student First Name
  • Student Last Name
  • School of Student
  • Student Year
  • Social Workers (Blank)
  • Designated Teachers (Blank)

If you wish to, you can view a sample report, by clicking here.