Setting up Call Parents (Quick Guide)

Setting up Call Parents (Quick Guide)

Call Parents comes ready to use so you can start sending messages out straight away. However, before you start using the system we recommend checking the default settings to see if they meet your schools requirements. This is done through the Settings menu.


Step-by-step guide

Global Settings > Organisation Details

This section displays basic information about the school. You can also set the SMS header which is the sender name used on a one way message. Please make sure these details are up to date as this will allow you to use placeholders when sending SMS and email messages. NOTE: this section is read only and any changes will need to be made by the Call Parents administrator via the administrator page.

General Settings > Message Defaults

Send Messages to

By default this is set to Responsibility, which is Parental Responsibility. This means that anyone flagged as having parental responsibility for a child in the schools MIS system (usually Mom and Dad) will receive a message providing they have valid contact details.

You can change this setting to Priority 1 & 2 which will message any contacts set as a priority 1 and 2 in your schools MIS, or for those schools that want to reduce the amount of messages sent out there is an option for Priority 1 only.

Whatever selection you make here will be the default used for all messages you send. However, you can change this on a message by message basis on the Messaging page if required.

SMS Destination

  • Text mobiles only - this will only text numbers detected as being a mobile phone (numbers starting with 07). If you have contacts with mobiles and work mobiles it will go to both.
  • Text both mobiles and landlines - this will send messages to the contacts mobile and home numbers if they have provided both.
  • Prefer mobiles over landlines - this will send messages to mobile phone numbers (including work mobiles) but if any contact does not have a mobile number, a BT text is sent to their landline number.

Deliver To

Select the option the school will be using more out of SMS or Email. If you vary messages and it is roughly 50/50 then select both SMS and email. This can easily be changed while sending a message and will not limit you to sending one or the other.


This will decide who the messages are sent to. It can be changed on a message by message basis if needed but the main option most schools use is Parents or other contact. With this option selected, it will also send messages to staff if staff have been selected.


Once you have made your changes please click Apply Changes

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