Update Attendance Marks as a Virtual School User

Update Attendance Marks as a Virtual School User

In order to view the PEP, you must be logged in to Looked After Call.

This guide is for users that have the role of "LA Super User" or "LA User". You can read more about Looked After Call User Roles if you are unsure what this means.

Select "Students" from the top navigation menu. This will take you to the Students Admin summary screen. From there select “Register” tab.



You can see the list of pupils controlled by a series of filters to quickly identify the information you need to see.

Available filters:

  • School

    • Shows current pupil’s school.

  • Requires call

    • Our dedicated team make daily phone calls to schools to collect AM and PM attendance marks

  • Has Data Extractor

    • Our innovative data extractor integrates seamlessly with school MIS and automatically collects attendance data, eradicating the need for daily phone calls

  • Users Assigned

    • Allows you to select a Social Worker or Virtual School User so you can see pupils assigned to that user only.

  • Has missing marks

    • Allows you to select a list of students with missing marks only.

    • A red flag next to Student’s name denotes there are missing marks

  • Search

    • Available search terms cover

      • Pupil's name (in whole or part),

      • School name (in whole or part).

    • Most filters work in combination with each other so if a pupil is not displaying, it may be because the filters and the search box are

    • conflicting with each other

  • “Previous Week”/”Next Week” buttons

    • Allows you to select a week you want to see the register for.
      Note: Current day is highlighted in blue


  • First column is a > which drops a panel revealing data when clicked

    • Shows any sticky note

    • Start data in care

    • Start date at the current school

    • A table of missing marks - Date and AM / PM session
      Note: Marks can be updated in a table of missing marks, this will automatically update the Register


To add an attendance mark click on the dropdown against the stutent name under the selected session (AM/PM) and day (Monday - Friday)

To bulk upload the marks hover over the session and check the box on top of the dropdown (select the first day of the bulk added marks) - Marks will update from the selected day till Friday






Use an “Attendance code” button on the bottom of the page for a guid on Codes meaning


In the “Notes” column you can view all the attendance notes related to the student.
The notes can be viewed and added. Depending if a student has notes added you will see an active “View” button with the note count or a disabled “No notes” button.


“Add note” button allows you to add an attendance note. Selecting this button opens an “Add student note” modal dialog box. To add a sticky note simply tick a tickbox "Add a sticky note".


A sticky note shows in the “Sticky note column”. The length of the note truncates if longer than column width. Clicking on sticky note will expand the row showing full note and other data.


To edit/ delete notes please go to the “Case note” section that can be accessed from the Students IPR page. To get to the IPR simply select student’s name in the Register table and navigate to the “Case notes” section.




Dynamic online reporting available via the web portal ensures you are always up to date.