

OurSchoolsApp has a fantastic contacts feature which allows you to share any school contacts with Parents. "Tap to Call" and "Tap to Email" functions makes getting in touch with the right person simple and effective for parents.

What's more, you are not limited to adding in only staff contact details; you can use contacts for any appropriate contacts related to your school such as:

  • After School Clubs
  • Kitchen Contacts
  • Sports Clubs
  • Council Contacts
  • Affiliated Nurseries 
  • Breakfast Clubs
  • Associated Organisations

Some schools feel they would rather have all communication going through the main office you. If you feel this is best for your school, simply add the main office's contact details (email address and telephone number).

Step-by-Step Guide

Add a Contact

1. Select Contacts from the Navigation Bar

To begin, find the 'contacts' tab in the navigation bar in the upper section of the screen

 2. Click Add Button

Locate the 'add' button in the central action panel and click 'add' button

3. Select Title

Select the title for your Contact from the drop down list

4. Add Details

Simply fill in your staff member's details in the boxes provided

Top Tip

Some schools prefer not to give direct contact information for all staff. If this is the case in your school, please just enter the main office contact details.

5. Upload an Image

Click the 'upload Image' button

You will be presented with a file selection box. Find and select the desired file (fig.1) and click 'open' (fig. 2)

Top Tip

If you are adding an Organisation or Affiliated Club as a contact, you can choose an available logo for them instead of a photograph.

Using the crop tool provided, click and drag the handles in the corners and drag them to the desired size

Top Tip

As with the other crop tools a square image works best. Also, contact images will look better if the subject is centred in the cropping box.

6. Final Check and Confirm

Now you have entered all of your staff members' details and chosen an image; double check the details are all correct.  Once you are happy, select the 'add' button to the lower right corner of the screen.

7. Success 

You should see a short Success message and now the 

Below is a short video to illustrate the above steps:

Amend a Contact

1. Select Contact

Select the contact that you wish to amend

2. Click "Amend" Button

Click the 'amend' button in the central action pane.


3. Amend the Details

Amend any details that require a change.

4. Amend an Image

Amending an image works in exactly the same way as adding a new image.  Click 'upload image'


Choose the desired image file (fig. 1) and select open (fig. 2)


Crop the image using the handles on the box corners (fig. 1) by clicking and dragging the box to the desired size. When you are happy, click 'crop'" in the lower right corner (fig. 2)


5. Click "Amend" to Finish

When you are happy with the amendments, click the 'amend' button to the lower right corner of the pane.


6. Success

You should be able to view the contact information by clicking on the contact in the left pane. A preview of the details will be visible in the right pane. All parents will now be able to see the amended details.


Below is a short video to illustrate the above steps:

Delete a Contact

1. Select the Contact

Select the contact you wish to remove.


2. Click "Delete"

Click the 'deleted button from the central action panel 

3. Confirm Delete
Select the  'delete' button to confirm the removal of the unwanted contact.
Below is a short video to illustrate the above steps:

Update Order

1. Select Contact and Drag

Select the contact that you wish to move, by clicking and dragging to the desired position. Repeat this process until you have achieved the desired sequence for the whole list.

2. Click "Update Order"

Click the 'update order' button in the upper left corner of the pane.

3. Confirm Order Update

Click the "Update" button to confirm.

Below is a short video to illustrate the above steps:

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