

The Calendar is one of the most useful features that our customers use in OurSchoolsApp. The main benefit of the calendar is the automatic reminders that are available to parents. 

There are two types of events that you can add into OurSchoolsApp. Each comes with its own set of reminders:

All Day Events: 

  • These events will typically span a single whole day or multiple whole days e.g. Start/End of Term, Religious Events, Exam Periods, Residential Trips
  • A notification will be sent when you publish the event
All Day Event Reminder Schedule

Midday, 48 Hours before event start
Midday, 24 Hours before event start

Timed Events:

  • These events run typically between two specific times. Timed events will always have a start and end time, although the start and end may be on different days if required. These would be things such as Parents' Evenings, Summer Fayres, School Plays, Day Trips etc.
  • A notification will be sent when you publish the event.
Timed Event Reminder Schedule

Midday, 24 Hours before event start
1 Hour before event start

Please note that parents will only be able to see future events in the calendar.  Past events will not be displayed to them.

iOS users will be able to integrate event reminders into their native calendar. Android users will receive the same event reminders as a push notification.


We highly recommend that you do not post anything on OurSchoolsApp that contains private or sensitive information.

As this information is potentially accessible by anyone who chooses to use OurSchoolsApp; we recommend that you only publish information which you would be comfortable publishing on your website.

If in doubt please consult with your organisations appointed Data Protection Officer.

Step-by-Step Guide

Add a New Event

1. Click Add

Click "Add" in the central action panel

2. Add Event Title

Add your event title in the Event Title field. Remember to keep your event title short and concise, as this will be used for sending push notifications and event reminders.

3. Set Start Date/Time

You can set your date and time by either typing into the Date/Time field (fig.1) using DD/MM/YYYY and 24 hour clock format.  Or, you may wish to use the Date/Time Picker by clicking the calendar icon to the right of the field (fig. 2).

You only need to choose the Event Start Time if you are setting a Timed Event.  All day events will default to a time of 00:00.

3.1 Using the Date Picker

1. Select the Month using the left and right arrows

2. Choose appropriate date from the corresponding Calendar

3. Go to Time Picker

3.2  Using the Time Picker

1. Go to Date Picker

2. Increase hours and minutes respectively

3. Hours and minutes (You can click on either to choose from a list if that is preferable)

4. Decrease hours and minutes respectively

4. Set Event End Date/Time

Set the event end date and time, following the above steps for setting the start time. 

Remember: You only need to choose the event end time if you are setting a Timed Event.

4. Choose Reminder Schedule

If your event is all day, check the box and the All Day Event Reminder Schedule (see above) will be applied.

Leave unchecked to and the Timed Event Reminder Schedule (see above) will be applied.

If you are setting an All Day Event, the start and end time will be set as 00:00, this may save you setting the Start and End times.

5. Add Event Description

This will be viewable by parents when they tap on the Event in OurSchoolsApp.  Add as much useful information as you wish into this box.

It's great for parents to be able to have all of the event information available to them when they need it.

6. Click Add to Publish

Click 'add' and the event will be published to the calendar. Parents will be sent a push notification.

Amend an Event

1. Select Item, Click Amend

Select the item you wish to edit (fig. 1) and click "Amend" in the central action Panel (fig. 2)

2. Edit the Event Details 

Editing event details is the same as creating a new event (see above):

1. Event name

2. Events start & end date/time

3. Set reminder schedule (All Day, checked - Timed Unchecked)

4. Event details

5. Make event active (unchecking this will hide the event from Parents.  You can re-activate at any time)

6. Amend button to save changes

Delete an Event

1. Select Item to Remove, Click "Delete"

Select the item you wish to delete (fig. 1), then click 'delete' from the central action panel (fig. 2).

2. Confirm Delete

Click "Delete" to confirm the removal of the event.

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