OSA Admin Guide - News - RSS

OSA Admin Guide - News - RSS


Click Upload

Click Upload from the central action panel.


Add the RSS Feed URL

Find the RSS URL that you wish to use - you can simply browse to this website and copy and paste the URL into this field. If you are having trouble locating the RSS feed connected to your school website speak to your website designer or School IT Support they may be able to advise you where to find this.


Set the Number of News Items to display

You can either tpe in to the field provided or use the number steppr to the right of the field and click up to increase the number and down to decrease.


Activate Notifications

You may want to send out a notification each time a new news item is added - by checking this box OurSchoolsApp will automatically send out a push notification for each item added.


Click Amend to add the Feed

At this point to add the news feed you 


Refresh the List

You may notice that once you have added your RSS feed articles that have appeared in the past will not appear straight away. If you wish for OSA to display historic feed notications select the upload button once again.


Click Refresh

You may wish to Activate/DeActivate Push Potifications or change the amount of items to display if you wish to change this Alick Amend to finsh. If your aim is to just make OSA display the historic items click Refresh.


Amend a RSS News Item Select Item

You may wish to Amend a news item, this can be achieved in the same way as editing any news item. For example to add an image if it has not automatically been added already or your RSS feed does not support images. Or you may want to add or remove some text from the item.

Note: The admin tool may not display Images included within the RSS feed, this does not mean they are not visible in OurSchoolsApp. We recommend checking news items to see if image have been included on an Android or iOS device.

Click the item you wish to amend.


Item Select Item

Click the item you wish to amend.


Click Amend fro the central action panel


Make Changes

Simply make changes as adding a new news item (see above) 

Upload an image (fig. 1)

Change text (fig. 2)

Change date and time of post (fig. 3)


Click Amend to finish

Once you are happy with your changes click the amend button to save and publish changes to parents.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.