Testing Truancy Call

The Test Truancy Call tab allows you to test your internet connection, adjust audio settings and send a test call/text message.

Test your internet connection

Allows you to see if you can access a selection of other websites - handy tool if you are experiencing difficulties connecting to Truancy Call.

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Voice Messages

Allows you to change settings if experiencing problems playing back messages - plus a test button which should download a test message - it should ungrey the media player bar immediately to the right of the test button. 
If it remains greyed out : Try the other settings (Download voice messages / Use web browser) and press Test again. Please ensure the machine has :

  • Windows Media Player installed
  • A sound card installed to playback audio
  • A set of speakers or headphones connected properly

If you still are having problems, ensure you can play other audio OK (e.g. audio CD, or other windows sounds (such as the startup / shutdown sounds), before contacting us.

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Send Test Call

We recommend you do this without having any other data in the main view - it should read "No data found". Enter a valid telephone number – try to send the call to a direct number or mobile rather that a switchboard to save confusion, or alternatively alter setting to send a text message. To use press the Send test call button. A dialog will appear prompting you to press the Send/Receive button in the main display. While the program connects to Truancy Call, the software will prompt you to add 1 new call to Truancy Call. This will send a call to your phone, for a made-up pupil/parent. Respond to it in the same way as a parent would – leave a message when prompted, then press the Send/Receive button to update the status of the call.

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