Looked After Call relies on having good quality data entered into it. There are a number of sources from where this data can come from.
How is data collected?
There are 3 main methods of data collection. Many factors can influence what is best for an individual establishment.
Manual Calling - A team of dedicated professional data collectors contact establishments directly by phone to obtain the attendance and assessment marks.
Automatic Collection - Most schools already take daily registers and update this information into their MIS. We are able to seamlessly integrate with the MIS and extract the data directly into Looked After Call. This is the most efficient data collection method as it reduces data handling errors, is timely, accurate, secure and reduces time-consuming telephone calls.
Self-serve Portal - Where the above methods are not suitable, we offer an online self-serve portal which allows authorised users to enter the attendance and assessment data directly.
Automatic Collection
Data Extractor is a software tool that enables scheduled, automated collection of data for Looked after Children from schools MIS systems.