Traditional Promotion

Traditional Promotion

To make OurSchoolsApp a success in your school, you need to give it a big initial launch, and then regularly, and consistently push it – to engage parents and drive downloads.   Traditional promotion like the tried and trusted poster/flyer can help with this...


Posters displayed on the walls, windows and notice boards in your school reception areas can still be a really effective way to tell parents about OurSchoolsApp

The sample poster can be downloaded from the Resources section.  Simply print off and display away!  


Letters Home

A letter home on your school's letterhead will inform all parents about OurSchoolsApp.  The letter includes instructions about how parents can download the app, and it also states that by using the app, the hope is that printing letters will reduce.


There’s nothing like a bit of good-old healthy competition for driving downloads!  Whether it’s inter-class competitions to see which class can get every parent to downloaded the app the quickest (for a prize). Or a sticker and chocolate incentive from the office for every child whose parent downloads the app… Think outside the box for challenging ways you can get the children to go home talking about OurSchoolsApp.

Or, why not challenge the children and say whichever class has the most downloads by the end of a given period will get an extra play time on that day!  By announcing the challenge, and the winners in assembly, this will motivate the children to get involved.

Word of Mouth

Look for, and exploit any events or opportunities when parents are in school, to push the app.  Parents’ Evening is arguably one of the best opportunities to promote OurSchoolsApp face-to-face with parents.  Perhaps nominate a member of office staff to have an information table about OurSchoolsApp.  Even better, get parents to stop and download the app there and then (why not offer a free cake for every download)!

Or, if parents are invited to class assemblies/productions, why not give the app a plug at the end!

Set downloading OurSchoolsApp as a piece of homework

In PHSE, for homework, get pupils to go home and help their parents to download OurSchoolsApp, (free from the App Store or Google Play Store), on their phone or tablet.  With gold stars all round for whoever does!  This alone could generate 100% downloads!

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