In order for Social
Workers to see any pupils, they
must be assigned to them by a Virtual School
As well you can assign pupils to LA (super) users so they can see / filter by pupils assigned to them only to help them focus on their work. LA users will see their assigned pupils first, with the ability to change filter to show others as required.
Note that pupils can not be manually assigned/ unassigned to Designated teachers, because those users are linked to schools and not to individual pupils (pupils will show as per lac pupils at the assigned school).
In order to manage users in Looked After Call, you must be logged in to the Looked After Call Admin site (http://admin.lookedaftercall.com) as a user with the type 'LA Super User'. You can read more about Looked After Call Users if you are unsure what this means.
Select 'Settings' > 'Users'
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Select the count button in the 'Pupils' column on the row for the user you wish to assign pupils to. | |
This will open a modal dialog box titled "Select students to add or remove". To assign pupils to the user,
Please note, assigned pupils modal is read-only for Designated Teachers. |